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Truckers shun COVID-19 tests
Truck drivers protest over Ugandan government's introduction of high Covid-19 testing charges.
Truck drivers’ Covid testing row has led to fuel shortage in Uganda
Northern corridor highway truck drivers protest over Sh3,600 Covid 19 test fees
Cross border truck drivers to be tested for Coronavirus twice a month
Northern corridor highway truck drivers protest over Sh3,600 Covid-19 test fees
Opposition leader questions COVID-19 measures at the borders
Massive traffic jam due to Covid-19 screening along the Bungoma-Mavanga road
Cargo trucks entering Rwanda forced to change drivers to contain the spread of Coronavirus
Government of Rwanda introduces relay driving regulations of truck drivers to reduce COVID-19 spred
Busia district office closed as staff get tested for COVID-19
Kenya's COVID-19 recovery rate is better than other countries - CAS Aman